I watched a Ted Talk by Rose George, a specialist in sanitation. In her video, she discussed the lack of sewer systems. 2.5 billion people worldwide do not have an adequate toilet. That's 40% of the world's population. You may think, what's the big deal? But there are 50 communicable diseases that can be transmitted through poop alone. So these people without sanitation systems are at a higher risk to contracting these diseases.
Diarrhea is just one of the problems associated with inadequate sewer systems. 4,000 children die around the world each day from the problems due to diarrhea. Diarrhea is the 2nd leading killer of children, more than HIV/AIDS, TB, and measles combined.
But we can fix this. This a problem we can stop from getting worse and from continuing. History shows us that a flushable toilet can improve mortality rates. In the mid 19th century, Victorian engineers installed sewer systems and mortality rates dropped drastically. The expense is minimal when compared to the $260 billion lost on lack of sanitation.
A large part of combating the lack of sanitation is awareness. In America, we are used to the idea of toilets and sewer systems, so going without is crazy to us. But when pooping in the streets is what you know, a toilet is a crazy idea. Its been seen in developing countries when government installs toilets, they go back some time later and find that they aren't being used. People do not realize the problem with pooping in the streets, so they continue to do so even when alternatives are available.
As we have all seen through our own class projects, raising awareness is one of the biggest solutions across the board when combating global problems. Particularly with this topic, one that we see as dirty, no one wants to talk about it. But awareness is a powerful thing. Public awareness leads to political awareness. Awareness leads to discussion. Discussion leads to action. Action leads to improved standards of living.
What are your thoughts? Yes, this is subject we hide, but to make change, we have to talk about the things no one else wants to.
Sewer systems do decrease health issues. The bubonic plaque was made worse by inadequate sewer systems. Awareness is about all we can do at this time. As for waste being a alternative form of energy, I am not sure about that.
ReplyDelete-Claire Real